Legends of Egypt

The history of Egypt is full of legends that recreate events that are more wonderful than historical. I will mention some of the most important legends:

Temple of Isis, Aswan, Egypt

The creation: It is said that NUN was the God of darkness, it was made of water and only for sleeping. When he finally woke up, he was surprised that there was nothing around him. Therefore, he decided to start with the creation of the universe. He created the Earth and from it he made Egypt arise. Egypt was born from water, she must have given it life, that is why it created the Nile river.

Birth of Osiris: Legend has it that the goddess of the sky, Nut, fell in love with the god of the earth, Geb. Her father, Ra, told her that he would not approve of the marriage. Because they had warned him that the child that was born would rule humanity. So he told her that she couldn't have children in a 360-day year. Thot aware of this helped him. He bet with the moon a little of his light. He won. Creating five more days. In which Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis and Nephthis were born.

The Egyptian god Osiris

Ra's Secret Name: the goddess Isis was as wise as the great Ra, but without the power that he had. That is why he sought a way to know his secret name, which would give him the power of it. He devised a plan. He created with his hands a mud snake giving it the appearance of a staff. When Ra caught him the snake bit him. So much was the pain that she had to tell him her secret name. When the serpent released him, he realized that he would share power with Isis.

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