The Multiple Migration Form (FMM) is a tourist permit necessary to travel to Mexico. There are three types depending on the purpose of the trip: FM2, FM3 and Immigrant card. Foreigners traveling to the United Mexican States for tourism must request the FM2 mode. In what follows we explain how to get it, what is its cost and what to do in case of loss, theft or expiration.

Below you have an index with all the points that we are going to deal with in this article.

What is the FMM and who needs it?

The meaning of the acronym FMM es Multiple Immigration Form, an admission document authorized by the Migration's national institute (INM) of the United Mexican States. Commonly known as visitor card o tourism permit, applies to those foreign citizens who wish to enter Mexico by both land and air:

  • Land: can be obtained electronically. Applies to those who enter through any of the following States: Baja California, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Chihuahua or Nuevo León. Later we explain the steps to follow and the requirements for your request.
  • Air: it is necessary for air admission (FMME) and can also be requested online. Foreigners are required to enter the country by air through places destined for the international transit of people.

The FMM must be duly filled out by all foreigners traveling to Mexico for vacation purposes, including diplomatic personnel. Minors (from 2 years old) who visit the country as tourists must also have it.

However, it is important to keep in mind that, once the online application is completed, the FMM must be printed and made valid. before 30 days at the chosen hospitalization point. Otherwise, your permission will have no effect.

For more information on the rest of the requirements and documentation necessary to travel to Mexico, we recommend visiting the following article: Tips, documentation and requirements to travel to Mexico.

What types are there?

La General Population Law de México establishes three basic types of migratory qualities, each of which has different characteristics. These are: nonimmigrant, immigrant, and immigrant. Within each of them, the type of permit can be classified according to the purpose of the visit to the country:

  • Nonimmigrant: foreign citizens who come temporarily. It includes tourists, transmigrants, visitors, ministers of worship or religious associates, students, refugees, political asylees, local visitors, distinguished visitors, temporary visitors and correspondents.
  • Immigrant: foreign citizens with the intention of residing in the country. It includes rentiers, investors, professionals, positions of trust, technicians, scientists, artists and athletes, family members and the like.
  • Immigrated: foreign citizens who acquire the rights for permanent residence.

Taking into account these characteristics, the documents to be issued may be the FM2, FM3 or the immigrant card. Those who wish to travel to Mexico for tourism and all the qualities included in the "Non-immigrant" section must request an FM3.

For its part, the FM2 grants permission to settle in the country for a maximum of 5 years. For its approval, the conditions required by the Ministry of the Interior must be met, as well as other applicable immigration provisions.

Those who wish to be considered immigrants must submit their application during the six months following the expiration date of the fourth renewal of their FM2, in accordance with the provisions of the General Population Law, Art. 190.

How much does it cost and where is it available?

The cost of the FMM amounts, since January 2017, to 500.00 Mexican pesos, which is equivalent to about 24 USD or 21 €. Those who travel to Mexico by air should bear in mind that the payment of the fees to obtain the FMM is included in the cost of their plane ticket.

Obtaining the Multiple Immigration Form is very simple and requires little time. Currently, there are two formats to pay and obtain it: either by completing the procedure electronically, or by downloading and printing the document, and making the payment at the bank.

Once obtained, every immigration card includes a individual number composed of 10 digits. It is absolutely recommended to write down this number or save it so that you can have it in case of loss or theft. In the next section we explain how to proceed and what options exist in the event of any of these unforeseen events.

Whichever way you choose, the last step is always seal it at the immigration office or, otherwise, your FMM will be invalid and you will be denied entry. You must go once you arrive at the border to document the date of entry.

Expedition for replacement

In case of loss, theft or destruction total or partial of the FMM, the visitor or resident card, it is possible to replace the immigration document as long as it is still valid. For this, it is essential to present:

  • Passport Number
  • Identity and travel document or the official document that was presented to obtain the residence permit
  • Proof of payment

The replacement cost is 1.107,00 Mexican pesos. Depending on the type of incident, the original of the different documents mentioned in the following sections must be presented, depending on each case:

Replacement for loss or theft

If a replacement of the FMM is requested due to theft or loss in national territory, one must appear in person before the immigration authority. In addition, it must be established in the act of events.

If, on the contrary, the theft or loss took place outside of Mexican territory, both the FMM and the replacement visa with which they traveled to Mexico must be presented.

Replacement for deterioration or total destruction

In these cases, the original of the Multiple Immigration Form or, where appropriate, the visitor's card, the resident card or the provisional document with which the entry permit was obtained must be attached.

Can it be extended or renewed?

The FMM is an individual check-in record that can be extended up to a maximum of 180 days. However, the conditions for the entry, exit, stay and / or transit of foreigners were affected by the changes introduced by the New Migration Law (NLM), known simply as reform.

The most notable modification has to do with the maximum period allowed to stay in the country, which can be divided into: 1) stays of up to 180 days and 2) stays of more than 180 days:

  • 180 days or less: available to foreigners who intend to carry out unpaid activities (in some cases, some paid activities are allowed). General tourists, temporary travel visitors and business people are included. It is not possible to change this condition, except those who have ties to Mexicans or residents.
  • 180 days or more: in this case, it is not possible to enter only with an FMM, but it will be decided to either obtain the status of temporary resident (up to 4 years), or that of permanent resident (indefinite stay). This last permit also authorizes the interested party to work in exchange for remuneration.

It is possible to renew an expired FMM both in person and online. If you opt for the second option, you must follow all the steps indicated to complete the procedure correctly, print it and deliver it in person at the INM's paperwork service office.

We do recommend, however, that you apply for a permit valid for 180 days from the start, even if you have no plans to stay that long. If any unforeseen event arises, it is much easier to have it already granted than, once in Mexico, to start the procedures from there.

You can check the prices and other requirements for the renewal of the FMM by clicking on the following link: Issuance of immigration document for renewal.

Questions from users

What are the requirements for a change of immigration form in Mexico?

It is possible to change to a permanent resident due to family ties after obtaining the status of a visitor or temporary resident stay.

To do this, you must present your passport, identity and travel document (or, failing that, the official document displayed for entry), the temporary resident or resident card or the valid and current FMM, and the proof of payment. . Likewise, the link with the Mexican or permanent resident in Mexico must be demonstrated.

You can find out about the rest of the requirements here: Change to permanent resident due to family ties.

What news does the new electronic immigration form include in Mexico?

The new electronic format has the same validity and purpose as the traditional FMM: through it the applicant's condition of stay is accredited. It is important to note that it must be kept throughout the stay, as it is also required to leave the country.

Should Russians ask for any special permission apart from the FMM to travel to Mexico for tourism?

Russian, Ukrainian and Turkish citizens must apply for a visa to enter Mexico. However, today there is the so-called SAE or Electronic Authorization System, which allows them to travel to the country by air without the need to obtain a visa.

Is there a way to get an FMM for free?

No. As explained above, the cost of the FMM is 500,00 Mexican pesos. There are two forms of payment: either by paying the receipt directly at the bank, or via telematics thanks to the new electronic FMM.

In both cases, the fees must be paid and the proof of payment must be presented to the immigration officials to obtain the official seal that will validate our card.

In addition to the FMM, is it necessary to obtain any other special permits to circulate on Mexican highways?

Yes. To travel to Mexico by car, you must request a permit for the temporary importation of vehicles, which can be obtained online through the National Migration Institute. It must be requested 60 days before the trip maximum and 7 days minimum.

It takes seven business days to arrive, so we advise to organize in advance. In addition, if you are traveling from the US or the person who owns the vehicle is a US citizen, a pre-authorization must also be obtained through the INM.

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