Mummification in Egypt

The Egyptians believed in life after death. That is why they preserved the body of the deceased through the process of mummification. Due to its high cost, few were those who could agree to be mummified. The pharaohs, their family and the richest men, were the only ones who could afford it.

The marketing process includesseveral phases that are reflected below: mummification it was carried out two or three days after death and was completed in approximately 70 days. The body was first embalmed. The brain, stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver were then removed. That they were wrapped in a linen cloth to be cared for by the gods called "sons of Horus". The heart was kept in the body because conscience, feelings and life were in it.

Subsequently the body was covered with natron - salt that dried it - so that the body is totally dehydrated and thus does not decompose. The process lasted between 35 and 40 days. And it was filled using silt or sawdust. Then it was sewn on. It was wrapped in linen bandages. First the fingers, then the extremities and finally the rest of the body. Finally the body was placed in one or more wooden or stone sarcophagi.

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