Poverty in India

According to forecasts of the government of the India economic growth is expected to be 10 percent per year in the coming years. And this is because in the last 3 years the country's economy has grown by 8 percent. Despite energy shortages and rising oil prices.

But what the Government seeks is for this economic growth to achieve a substantial reduction in the poverty, unemployment and inequality in the country. However, it is observed that this economic growth has not reduced the poverty at the same level of the economic achievements achieved. In the IndiaAccording to data provided by the government, 27.5 percent of the population, more than 236 million people, live on less than 40 cents a day.

Poverty in India and the youngest - by MM

One of the most affected by the economic problems is the agricultural sector that does not obtain the necessary profits to survive. If it would increase its prices, the most affected would be the poorer layers of the Indian society. The government seeks to improve the real income and quality of life of the peasants. An interesting project to give work to the most poor it is related to the care of ecology.

Poverty in India - by Karthikeyan K
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