The most important volcanoes

Kilimanjaro volcano, Tanzania
It is the highest of Africa to be measured near 6 thousand meters high. Various people like Johannes Rebman y Kalus von der DeckerThey decided to explore this volcano, each one at a different time, but with those expeditions it was discovered that it has snow on the top.

Mount Fuji, Japan
Has little more than 3700 meters high, and it was always considered sacred. At the moment it is a very visited tourist route, since also the sportsmen usually practice mountaineering during the dawn.

Krakatoa volcano, Indonesia
Within its long list of eruptions, it shows us that it is one of the most powerful volcanoes. In 1883 it destroyed the island where it was located, with an eruption much more powerful than the hiroshima bomb.

Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
It is located south of the city of Mexico. The upper part of this volcano is covered by glaciers.

Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
It is considered the home of the Goddess of Fire. It is only 1,111 meters high, 165 meters deep and a maximum of 5 kilometers in diameter.

Mount Vesuvius in Naples, Italy
In the year 79 it was its most famous eruption, because in this way Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried. Has a maximum height of 1,300 meters.

Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy
This volcano is considered one of the most active in the world. It is just over 3 meters high. It is not a completely dangerous volcano, that is why several people live on its skirt.

Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
It is one of the largest in the world, being 5 thousand meters high. Its interior is known as Moku`aweoweo.

Panoramic sample of the Mauna Loa volcano.

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