Mexico is a territory in which volcanic formations abound. Many of these volcanoes are still active, while others are in a dormant state for the moment. In this article, we talk about some of the most famous and important and we show you current images. You will find the volcanoes ordered from least to most dangerous. What is the most dangerous volcano in Mexico?
15. Iztaccihuatl Volcano
There is a popular legend around this volcano. According to this story, the chief of the Tlaxcalans, an enemy town of the Aztecs, had a daughter named Iztaccihuatl.
She was engaged to a warrior: Popocatepetl. While her partner was at war, the princess died. When he returned, he ordered a mountain to be built for her, where he watched her with a torch. As time passed, they both became volcanoes.
In the following video you can see the impressive views from the top:
14. Ceboruco Volcano
This volcano is located in the state of Nayarit, between Ahuacatlán, Jala, Uzeta, Santa Isabel and Chapalilla. its last eruption was in 1870. The meaning of the word Ceboruco es the black giant. You will find more interesting facts about this volcano in the following video:
13. Villalobos Volcano
This volcano is far from the rest, as we find it on San Benedicto Island, in the Revillagigedo archipelago. Its height is quite low, since it only reaches 400 meters. In this video you can see the craters that make up this island:
12. La Malinche Volcano
The La Malinche or Matlalcueye volcano is active and has a height of 4.420 meters above sea level. We can find it between Puebla and Tlaxcala. Unlike others, it is quite wooded.
11. Xinántecatl Volcano
This formation is also known as Toulca's snowy. Regarding the name of Xinantecatl, comes from Nahuatl and means naked man. At the bottom of the crater are two lagoons separated by a stream of lava.
10. Cofre de Perote Volcano
The Cofre de Perote volcano is also called Nauhcampatépetl, whose meaning is square mountain. It is not ruled out that she may be active again in the future.
9. Los Humeros Volcano
For more than 20 years, the Los Humeros volcano has been exploited by man, since we find geothermal plants in it. This is because it is the reservoir with the highest temperature in the country (400 ° C), a fact that allows it to supply energy to part of Mexico. In the video you can see the facilities established in the volcano:
8. San Martín Volcano
The San Martín volcano is 1.700 meters high and has a large crater of 500 meters diameter. It is located between San Andrés and Santiago de Tuxtla, in Veracruz. It is a protected forest area.
7. Tacaná Volcano
On the border between Mexico and Guatemala is the active volcano Tacaná, which is 4.092 meters high. It does not usually have snow and its slopes are formed by lush forests.
6. Citlaltépetl Volcano
The Citlaltépetl volcano or Pico de Orizaba is the mountain highest of the country with more than 5.600 meters of altitude. You can find it between the states of Puebla and Veracruz.
5. San Andrés volcano
This volcano is located in the Sierra de Ucareo, in Michoacán. It has a height of 3.690 meters above sea level. This is also exploited, since thermoelectric plants that supply Ciudad Hidalgo and the surrounding towns have been placed there.
4. Paricutín Volcano
The Paricutín volcano, with an altitude of 2.800 m, is located in Michoacán and is the youngest in America, since it was born in 1943. After its birth, it was active for nine years. As a consequence, the towns of Paricutín and San Juan Parangaricutiro were buried but, fortunately, there were no fatalities. Its mountainous system is the Neovolcanic Axis.
3. Colima volcano
The Colima volcano or Fuego de Colima volcano has an altitude of 3.960 meters and is located between Colima and Jalisco. It is in a state of activity and this is demonstrated by its latest eruptions, such as the one in 2006, which rose 4 kilometers above the volcano.
Its last explosion was in 2013. However, since 2015 a great activity has been detected inside. Therefore, it is watched and constantly monitored.
2. Chichonal Volcano
The Chichonal volcano is of the stratified type. This means that it does not spew lava, but it does release ash and gases, which makes it one of the most dangerous. Its last eruption was in 1982, when two municipalities disappeared: Francisco León and Chapultenango.
1. Popocatepetl volcano
Due to its activity and its location, we can consider the Popocatépetl volcano as the most dangerous in Mexico. Popocatepetl means in Nahuatl the hill that smokes. A active volcano, to such an extent that eruptions occur in it most of the years.
It is the second highest volcano in Mexico, with 5.500 meters of altitude. In the following video you will see how impressive Popocatepetl is when it erupts:
As you have seen, in Mexico there are really dangerous volcanoes. Did you find them surprising? Would you dare to visit any of them?
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