Madrid Retreat Park

When traveling to Spain, Viajejet advises you to take a weekend to enjoy the impressive and beautiful “Parque del Retiro”, a few kilometers from the center of the capital city of Madrid.

Also known as "The Retiro Gardens", Its origin dates back to the years 1630 and 1640, when the construction of the first architectural work of the park began, the" Palacio del Buen Retiro ", which would come to be built on the land that the Count Duke of Olivares gave to the King of Spain for the recreation of his Court, being a quite ideal gift for the crown, since the park was far from his daily tasks, which represented an excellent place to rest, immersed in thick nature, forests and streams.

The Fisherman's House, Retiro Park

At the outset you will find La Puerta de España, built in 1893, the entrance to the Retiro Park, followed by countless sculptures, which will take you to the Paseo de las Estatuas, dedicated to the Monarchs of Spain, a path that will guide you to the impressive Monument to Alfonso XII.

Walk of the Statues, Retiro Park
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