El car rental en Stockholm it's simple. Most of the companies are in the city and in its two airports, and the requirements are not difficult to meet. You only need to be 20 years old (in some places 25) and have a driving license and a credit card.

Car rental in Stockholm

International companies are somewhat more expensive, but they are convenient if you go out of Stockholm since they have premises in all cities. If you plan to stay in the city, the local ones - which are often at the gas stations under the signs "biluthyrning" and "hyrbilar" - are much cheaper.

These are the main companies of car rental:

International companies

Swedish companies

  • Mabi Hyrbilar (www.mabirent.se)
  • OK-Q8 (Their website is only in Swedish. Click where it says “hybrilar” to see the car pages www.okq8.se )
  • Statoil (Their page is also in Swedish, click on “uthyrningsstationer” to see the cars and on “priser” to see the prices www.statoil.se/biluthyrning)

Rent a car in Stockholm

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