The currency of Egypt: information about the Egyptian pound
We tell you about the currency used in Egypt, its history and the exchange rate compared to other major currencies in the world.
We tell you about the currency used in Egypt, its history and the exchange rate compared to other major currencies in the world.
We inform you about the history, characteristics and exchange rate of the Danish krone. Also, we show you photos of her.
We tell you about the old and current coins of Hungary, and we show you images of them. In addition, we inform you of the exchange rate with respect to other currencies.
We give you information and we show you images of the Australian dollar, the official currency of Australia. In addition, we tell you its history and evolution.
Learn about the history and development of the official currency of Uruguay, as well as how much it is worth compared to other major currencies in the world.
Learn about the history and evolution of the official currency of Norway, as well as the exchange rate it has with respect to other major currencies.
We give you useful information about the official currency of Morocco. In addition, we tell you the history of this coin and we show you images of it.
Know the name and history of the current currency in Brazil, as well as the exchange rate it has with respect to other major currencies in the world.
Learn interesting facts about the Swiss franc, the official currency of Switzerland, as well as its exchange rate against other major currencies.