El Archive of the Kingdom of Galicia is located in A Coruña. It was created in 1764 by the Royal Audience of Galicia, in a neoclassical building in the old town of La Villa de Betanzos which was never used as a file.

At present the headquarters it occupies, together with the Gardens of San Carlos, is from 1955 and fulfills the functions of General Historical Archive of Galicia and Provincial Historical Archive of A Coruña to collect, guard and disseminate the documentary heritage of Galicia. It was declared A Cultural.

On its five floors there are exhibition halls, restoration and bookbinding workshops, consultation rooms and a library. The Library It has some thematic collections among which you can find manuscripts and incunabula, along with a collection of photographs and the special collections of the Convent of Santa María de Montefaro.

The Archive funds They come from public and private institutions, among which we can highlight the one that belonged to the Royal Audience of Galicia of the old regime, a function that the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia performs today.

El Time visiting is, from September to June, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 20:30 p.m.; and in July and August, from 8:30 a.m. to 19:30 p.m. He access It is free and free with a researcher card or with temporary permission. The activity of the Archive is disseminated through guided tours.

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