The Ecuadorian men and women They have customs that are very similar to those of South American countries. Here is an account of some Ecuadorian customs:

All the Ecuadorian couples in many cases they maintain consensual relationships. It commonly occurs in coastal areas and rural areas. Where they are accepted as legal marriages despite not having married.

It is a custom extended nationwide delay in arriving for an appointment. That is usually between ten minutes to an hour. In addition to not advising when a friend is going to visit. The greeting and the goodbye are being replaced by more informal expressions.

Ecuadorian men express their greeting by shaking hands. Instead, women give a little kiss to the other person's cheek.

Currently in the ecuadorian christmas dinner is served before twelve, although the custom of years ago was to have dinner at midnight. At the end of the year they have the custom of burning a doll characterizing an unloved character

El lunch It is usually taken at noon and that time is used to talk and socialize. Mostly each typical dish represents a local festival.

El sports entertainment par excellence is football. Boys get used to this game from an early age.

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