The prehispanic civilizations They had a very relevant importance in the territory that today includes Mexico and Guatemala. This region was occupied by different settlements belonging to the Mayan Empire, which has allowed travelers today to enjoy a large number of archaeological sites important.

Near the border, between the aforementioned countries, are the Bonampak Mayan Ruins. An important Mayan city was located on that site, but it never had the relevance of other cities of the same civilization. In addition, it is one of the Mayan archaeological sites younger as it was discovered in 1946 and continues to be studied to this day.

El Bonampak town depended on another Mayan city of greater importance, called Yaxchilan, which was a few kilometers from there. This led to the site never becoming a major political or economic center (which in part delayed its discovery), but it did position itself culturally as one of the most important in the world. Mayan Empire.

This cultural positioning was given to the fact that in their buildings they have been found beautiful murals painted that so far are objects of study. According to archaeologists who discovered the place, the vast majority of the paintings are in a building baptized as Temple of the Murals, and some of those that have been relieved date from approximately the year 790 after Christ.

So far, the meanings of all the murals that can be seen in Bonampak, although many have already been photographed and studied in the most important museums and universities in the world. During the 90s, several surveys of the paintings of this town were carried out and it was indicated that the majority spoke of the military exploits of the Mayan town.

But not everything is war in the paintings and reliefs found in the Bonampak Mayan Ruins. You can also see frescoes that represent the most important aspects of daily life in the town. Without a doubt, they are invaluable records of one of the most outstanding civilizations of the history of Latin America.

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