For all those travelers who enjoy the fine and rich experience of traveling through the world's oceans in huge and elegant cruises, Tripjet brings you a novelty ... soon the largest and colossal cruise ship on the planet will be inaugurated!

    Independence of the Seas

In the Finnish shipyard in the town of Aker Yard in England, the inauguration and departure point of the world's largest cruise ship will take place, which will be baptized under the name of "Independence of the Seas"(Independence of the Seas), which will be the third ship in the wide range of highly recognized nautical engineers," Freedom of The Seas "offering long and comfortable tours of the Mediterranean oceans at high prices that will be worth every wealth invested in the cruise.

    By Cruise

With unsurpassed technology, colossal dimensions, a great variety of recreation and leisure areas, long corridors covered with fine casinos and lively shows that will take place throughout the day and night, the “Independence of the Seas”, Will leave the Finnish coasts on April 28 and then make two 10-night tours of the beautiful Canary Islands at a price of € 1280 per tour, alternating two itineraries that will include the Mediterranean Treasures (Gibraltar, Barcelona, Nice, Florence, Cagliari, Malaga, Lisbon and Vigo) to then offer the other itinerary of the Mediterranean of Italy at a price of € 2200 passing from Cannes, Monte Carlo, Florence along the Italian coasts to Vigo.

    Interior of the Cruise Ship, Independence of the Seas

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