If we travel to the Los Angeles city we can use to mobilize through its various streets transport like the subway, bus and light rail. All of them are part of a complex system of networks and highways that we can decipher thanks to a series of free apps that you show us how to mobilize optimally by Los Angeles according to our location and time availability. Within the best free apps to get around Los Angeles, we have:

Tripwolf guide. This guide developed for iPhone allows us to have all the city route maps, both for transport and the street guide, having the option to consult the guides at any time since the maps have offline access. Tripwolf has five languages ​​available and, apart from the routes, it provides us with tourist information and travel tips.

hopstop. This free application will only need us to indicate the exact address of our location to tell us how to move around the city detailing the way in each of the available public transport options.

If we travel by taxi, it will allow us to calculate an approximate price of the fare and travel time, as well as information about the companies that provide this service.

AroundMe. If we are walking by New York and we do not know which route to follow to get a hospital, restaurant, bar, theater, museum, ATM, and others, we only need to open the AroundMe application and locate the closest service to our location.

Mopedi Places New York City. Although it is not a specialized guide on routes to get around, it is a guide that will provide us with information on the location of the main tourist attractions in the city, and a map guide that we can access offline.

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