El National museum of Ireland It is the main museum in Ireland. It has three separate departments in Dublin and one in county May. Each of them deals with a specific field: Archeology and History, Decorative Arts and History, Natural History y Life in the countryside.

National Museon of Ireland

The department Archeology and History It is located on Kildare Street in Dublin (drink Bus 7, 7A, 10,11,13). In it you can admire historical pieces made of metal that date back to the High Middle Ages. Also impressive tools and jewelry made during the Bronze Age, as well as important symbols of Christianity such as the Ardagh Chalice (XNUMXth century) and the Cong Cross (XNUMXth century).

As for that of Decorative Arts and History, this one is in Collins Barracks, on Benburb Street in Dublin (Bus 90, 25, 25A, 66, 67). It was founded in 1997. Here you can see interesting exhibitions of clothing, old furniture typical of the place and other utensils.

National Museon of Ireland

For its part, Natural History It was founded in 1857 and it shows up close the mounted skeletons of giant moose, the Irish Elk, as well as all kinds of animals, birds and insects.
Unfortunately it is closed to the public until 2012.

The last department to open its doors (2001) is dedicated to the Country Life en Ireland. It is the only one was Dublin. It is located in Turlough Park, castle bar, county of May. You can see topics related to agriculture, fishing, customs, parties, domestic life among other aspects.

Country Life in Ireland

Entrance is free. Each of its departments is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00. On Sundays it opens at 14:00 p.m. You will find it closed on Mondays, Christmas and Good Friday.

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