Located in the vicinity of Almería, to the southeast of the capital, we find a small but beautiful town, called "Mojácar", which with only 6507 inhabitants spread over an area of ​​no more than 72 square kilometers, have managed to do from its city a favorite destination for tourism during the summer dates, since it is located just 152 meters above sea level, and just 90 kilometers from the City of Almería, from where you can either rent a car or you catch a bus from central station. In addition to being one of the favorite tourist destinations for its coasts, Mojácar has become famous for the story that supposedly Walt Disney was born in this region in 1905, under the name of José Guirao Zamora, which attracts hundreds of tourists a year, when the Disney parades come through the Area. You have all the information in: «Mojácar tour: trips through Almería«.

You have all the information in: "Mojácar tour: trips through Almería".