El Sanctuary of the Pilgrim It was built from 1778, in the urban center of Pontevedra, In the Pilgrim Square. It is a late baroque style church with neoclassical altars dedicated to the patron of the province of Pontevedra, intimately linked to Portuguese Way. It is one of the emblems of this beautiful city.

You have scallop shell shape plant, symbol of the pilgrims of the Santiago's road, and inside it is inscribed a cross.

In his interior one surprises us pila for holy water made in a mollusk shell brought from the Pacific by Méndez Núñez. The image that presides over the altar was brought by French pilgrims who made the Camino de Santiago, and is dressed in a cape and in her hand the staff and the pumpkin.

La facade The main sanctuary is preceded by an atrium with a staircase, perimeter by a balustrade, at the foot of which there is a stone fountain. At the top, a niche contains the image of La Peregrina from the XNUMXth century.

The visits They can be done throughout the year, during worship hours.

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