La Easter in Sevilla It is celebrated within a series of processions organized by the brotherhoods, the same ones that have been increasing over the years, although the first date from the beginning of the XNUMXth century. The Holy Week in Seville is recognized by Spain as a celebration of International Tourist Interest and it has cultural, social, religious and tourist aspects that make it one of the favorite destinations for parishioners on these dates.

La Holy Week in Seville start the Palm Sunday and ends the Resurrection Sundayn, being these days, taken in procession by a total of sixty brotherhoods, images that represent the passion and death of Jesus.

Formation, worship and charity are the three pillars that can define the feeling of the Holy Week in SevilleTherefore, the brotherhoods prepare throughout the year for this recollection week. Although, the Penance Station As the main part of the worship of Holy Week, they also stand out for their impressive congregation of people and religious value, the Pregones, Quinario, Novenas and the Via Crucis.

La Seville Holy Week, as is common in this type of festivities, it has traditions, among the most outstanding we find: in the Holy Week in Seville It is customary to wear a garment in the Palm Sunday; walk the Palm Sunday the temples that will be stations of the steps in the week; In addition, many households have a diet based on chickpeas, cod and torrijas during these days of Easter.

The procession of Easter Sunday It is carried out by the Brotherhood of “La Resurrección”, the same one that was formed in 1969 within the Colegio de la Purísima. This procession is important because it closes the eastern with the representation of theResurrection of Christ.

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