Grenada It is a destination known in the tourism sector for its important cultural and artistic presence, as well as its hundreds of offers for outdoor activities in the company of the whole family and friends. One of these activities is precisely hiking, with a diversity of surfaces and natural areas for adventure.


If you're thinking about travel to Granada and plan a vacation full of activity and sport, then do not hesitate to take a tour of the following scenarios:

Sidewalk of the Star: First of all we have this point located in the Sierra Nevada, ideal for those hikers with little experience in the field. Family members and minors can also participate. The route includes a round trip, with an extension of 21 kilometers and a duration of 6 hours. Vereda de la Estrella enjoys optimal conditions for hiking at any time of the year.

Granada hiking

Ascent to Morrón Sanjuanero from La Ragua: But if what you are looking for is an extreme experience full of demands, then what you need is to go to this privileged area with beautiful panoramic views. Of course, it is recommended to be an expert in mountain climbing, on a route that reaches 7,7 kilometers with a duration of 5 hours.

Written Rock: and now it is the turn to pass through the natural spaces of Sierras de Tejada, Alhama, Almijara, among others. The hikers will move on an uneven surface of 740 meters, in routes of 7 hours with an extension of 12 kilometers.

Hiking in Granada

Bear Ravine: and finally we have this 9 kilometer trail for novice hikers. The path includes a pass through Sierra de Castril in a duration of 3 hours.

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