For travel to the Riviera Maya in Mexico There is no type of vaccination requirement, both by indications from the Ministry of Health of this country and from countries abroad, however, there are a series of recommended vaccines.

Among the most recommended vaccines at the time of travel to the Riviera Maya there is the vaccine against dengue, a disease that is transmitted by mosquito bites, especially during daylight hours. You can prevent contracting dengue by using mosquito nets, repellants, and wearing appropriate clothing with long sleeves.

Other vaccines that we can request to be administered at the vaccination centers are that of Hepatitis A y hepatitis B, the only recommendation being that they have not been vaccinated before or have had this disease; and typhoid fever, as prevention for diseases that can be transmitted in raw foods and due to poor water quality control.

It is also important to note that when traveling to the Riviera Maya It is important to have a series of precautions, such as not drinking water that is not bottled (not because it is untreated water, but there are people who can dislike it). In the same way, it is recommended not to consume drinks with ice, not to eat raw foods and to wash fruits with bottled water.

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