Considered one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Dare to know its Andalusian capital. Upon arrival, be sure to visit the following tourist areas:

The Cathedral of Santa María: It is the largest Catholic cathedral in the world. Also, the third largest temple after St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican in Roma and San Pablo in London.

Cathedral of Santa Maria

Santa Cruz neighborhood: one of the most important in the city. Its family houses with flower patios around it give it a mystical and romantic air.


La tower of Gold: Built in the first third of the XIII century, in order to be a prison. It is one of the most beautiful legacies of Muslim architecture.

tower of Gold

The Walls of Sevilla: It is one of the most important Roman monuments in the city. During the time of Augustus they were remodeled and expanded by the growth of the city.

La Giralda: It is a jewel of baroque architecture.

You want to see why Seville is a place of inspiration and to remember, here is the video:

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