Tripjet This time he invites you to visit one of the many beautiful cities that Spain hides among its European lands with medieval airs in the western heart of Madrid, we present the small town of Alcalá de Henares.

Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Alcala de Henares is just 45 minutes by car from the capital Madrid, being one of the destinations that you should not forget to visit when you travel to Spain, since it is one of the second most charming cities in western Spain, despite being small, it has enormous cultural beauty, so much so that itUNESCO has declared it cultural heritage, in addition to being the famous birthplace of the great Miguel de Cervantes, the writer of the famous Don Quixote de la Mancha, one of the best literary works produced in the city of Alcala de Henares, in Spain, his work being a talent exported to the whole world and recognized in more than 15 languages ​​globally... in addition to the beauty of its city, it also focuses on what is its old buildings, the high estates, the narrow stone streets, the hospitals that have survived long decades and the beautiful cathedrals, great architecture that comes from the fourteenth century .

Photos of the representation of Cervantes

In addition, Alcala de Henares is a must when you travel through Madrid, so that you discover one of the most beautiful and multicultural centers of the community.

Photos of the famous Calle Mayor in Alcala de Henares

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