El Bellver Castle, Palma de Mallorca, is the only castle with a circular plan in Spain. On a 140 meter high hill it dominates the views of the city of Palma, 3 kilometers away.

Castle in Palma de Mallorca

It was conceived as residence real by order of Jaume II of Mallorca at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. However, until the late twentieth century it functioned as cárcel. You can still see the graffiti of the prisoners on the walls. Currently some of its rooms house the City Museum that collects pieces from archaeological excavations and municipal collections.

Palma and its Castle

His three towers integrated are also circular. With a fourth non-integrated tower, that of the tribute, about 33 meters high and with the dungeons known as the Olla in their basements. In its parade, built on a cistern, concerts are held during the summer. A place of great beauty for its 21 Gothic arches.

Bellver Castle, Palma

For to access to the castle we can do it with several public bus lines to the Joan Miró stop and then a walk of about 20 minutes.

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El price General admission is € 2,50 and the reduced rate is € 1. On Sundays it has general free admission. He Time Visits are daily from October to March from 8 a.m. to 17:30 p.m. and from April to September from 8 a.m. to 19:30 p.m.

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