La National Gallery de Dublin has an extensive collection of the main expressions of art. There is not a single period of art that is left out.

National Gallery of Ireland

Thanks to the interest in art displayed by the Irish at the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1853, it was decided to build a permanent art gallery. The building was completed in 1864. The National Gallery had the misfortune of not being founded by having a collection, so in its early years it had no more than 125 paintings. However, over time more jobs were acquired.

Today the collection of paintings expands from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXth century. The gallery has one of the largest and most distinguished collections of Italian art. Masters like Fran Angelico, Mantegna, Caravaggio and Tiziano are present. From the French school, it has classicist works by Claude, Vouet and Poussin. The Netherlands is represented by Vermeer, Metsu, Ruisdael and Hobbema.

Capture of Christ

It also has rooms dedicated to the Baroque with paintings by Lanfranco, Maratta and Rubens. Impressionism is represented by Monet, Sisley, Pissarro, and Ginzales. The XNUMXth century has artists like Picasso, Signac and Nolde.

Admission is free, but the gallery is always grateful for a donation upon entering. The National Gallery open from Monday to Saturday from 09:30 to 17:30. On Thursdays it opens until 20:30. Sundays the Time It is from 12:00 to 17:30. The gallery is closed from December 24 to 26 and on Good Friday. There are free tours on Saturdays at 14:00 PM and on Sundays at 13:00 PM and 14:00 PM.

National Gallery in Dublin

To get there you must take the bus 4A, 5, 7, 7A, 10, 13A, 44C, or 48A. The closest stop of the trolley car it's Stephen Green.

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