The spa treatments They can be divided into six categories.

El hydrotherapy circuit uses water in different states and temperatures, so that the body is purified and defenses improve. It is a preparation for receiving treatments.

Aromatherapy spa treatments

Then there are the Massage, which stimulate the emotions and at the same time relax. Aromas and oils are used. It serves to give balance.

Spa massage treatments

Below is the exfoliating therapy, It helps clean the top layer of skin that is dry or dead. Then you will get a smooth skin.

Relax spa treatments

They can also be found enveloping therapies, in which creams and other products are applied to the skin to cover the body and act directly on the pores. Purifies the skin and helps to lose weight.

Facial therapy spa treatments

La facial therapy more carefully apply the same elements as the rest of the body, improves texture and even removes spots and wrinkles.

Spa yoga treatments

Finally, in a spa you can find courses and classes, activities that help us to achieve inner balance. For example, yoga, tai chi, meditation, or painting classes.

Facial beauty treatment.

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