El Vasa Museum (Vasamuseet), on the island of Djurgården en Stockholm, houses the only intact XNUMXth century ship, the Vasa. Around this ship, there are several exhibitions that inform about its history and present the objects that were on board.

Vasa Museum in Stockholm

This 69 meter long warship was wrecked near Stockholm during its first trip in 1628. It was only recovered in 1961, 333 years later. For nearly half a century it has been slowly and meticulously restored to almost all of its original splendor. The three masts on the ceiling of this museum show the 52 meters high of the original masts of the ship.

However, the Vasa It is not only an important historical piece, but also a unique artistic treasure: it is composed of more than 95% original pieces and is decorated with hundreds of carved sculptures. Additionally, there are nine different exhibits that tell of life on board the ship.

Vasa Museum in Stockholm

El museum offers guided tours every day in groups of 9 people. The schedules Opening hours from January to May, and from September to December are from 10:00 to 17:00 (Wednesday until 20:00). From June to August it is from 08:30 to 18:00. Adults pay 110 crowns (11,40 euros); students, 80 (8,20 euros). Children and adolescents up to 18 years old do not pay

The stops of metro The closest are the Central Station and Karlaplana Tunnelbana. It can be reached on foot in 30 and 10 minutes, respectively. The bus 47 and 69 arrive at Central Station, and 44 at Karlaplan. There's also ferries from Slussen, gamla stan and - in summer - Nybroplan.

Panning the vessel Vasa
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