The various presidents who have passed through the history of the United States have marked the development of the country. The actions taken by each of them have contributed to making the United States a world superpower today. Which Presidents Made History During Their Term? We show them below, ordered from least to most relevance.
10 Barack Obama
Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States, from 2009 to 2017. This presidency went down in history, as Obama was the first president of origin Afro-American.
Among the different advances that it achieved for the country, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act stands out, better known as Obamacare, with which millions of people achieved greater health coverage.
Another of the actions that attracted the most attention was the rapprochement with Cuba after more than 50 years of tensions between the two countries. She even traveled to the island in 2016.
Also, during his tenure, the Supreme Court approved same-sex marriage throughout the country. He was the first president to publicly support this legalization.
9. John F Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States in the period from 1961 to 1963. Better known as John F. Kennedy, Jack Kennedy or JFK, he became the youngest president in the history of his country, after Theodore Roosevelt.
He was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while on a political visit in Dallas, in the State of Texas. This crime marked a before and after in US history and had a traumatic impact on the memory of the country.
Several historical events took place throughout his three years in office: the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban missile crisis, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States ...
His action during all of them led him to become a role model and a icon of the hopes and aspirations of American citizens and, even today, several polls show that the US society considers him one of the best presidents.
Kennedy was in favor of equality and the protection of all residents in his country, whether they were citizens born in his country or immigrants who had obtained US citizenship.
He supported his party's postulates to change government policies on immigration, an action that culminated in the enactment of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which boosted immigration from Latin America and Asia.
Given his desire for the United States to lead the space race, in 1961 he declared his goal of putting a man on the moon. He worked alongside Soviet-born engineer Sergey Khrushchev during 1963, but President Kennedy was assassinated before the agreement between them could be formalized. However, the objective of the Apollo Program was fulfilled in 1969 and the first man stepped on the Moon.
8 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president of the United States in 1932 and was characterized by being the first in the history of the American nation to win four presidential elections in a row, that is, in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944.
Thus, he was the longest-lived US president in history, serving four constitutional terms in a row.
His commitment to a new policy based on the concept of New Deal (literally, New Deal) is mainly what made him win the trust of American citizens in 1932. It was based on encouraging public spending by investing in infrastructure, including various hydroelectric plants, roads, schools, and so on.
His policy on the social plane is considered one of the most successful in history. In fact, it is considered that Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the country through a revolution based on the equal rights of every individual, regardless of the social class to which they belonged.
Although there is no data to demonstrate the efficacy of the New DealIt is true that it contributed to an improvement in American democracy in subsequent years.
During his tenure, he established American world primacy throughout the world and established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in 1933.
He was responsible for launching a series of preventive measures in response to the threat from Hitler's Germany, in order to prepare the country for a possible armed confrontation during World War II. After the historical attack on pearl harbor in 1941, Roosevelt petitioned Congress for a state of war.
7.Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was the twentieth president of the United States between 1901 and 1909. Leader of the Republican Party and founder of the Progressive Party, he was noted for his strong personality, described by many as a "personality of cowboy«, And the amount of achievements made throughout his political life. As leader of the Progressive Movement, he contributed to the social activism to end corruption.
Following the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Roosevelt went from being vice president to becoming President of the United States, thus becoming the youngest president to take office in the entire history of the United States.
It was also the first since 1865 that he had not fought in the Civil War. Roosevelt fought against monopolies and developed the concept of Square Deal (fair and honest agreement) thanks to its internal policy based on favoring the working class.
He coined the doctrine of the Great Cudgel (Big stick) for their actions in foreign policy. The concept, taken from a phrase pronounced by Roosevelt in 1901, illustrates his willingness to make pacts and negotiations with his internal and external adversaries, but at the same time always showing the possibility of acting with violence if it becomes necessary.
Various historians regard T. Roosevelt's mandate as the beginning of the US imperialism and its role as a great world power.
6. Abraham Lincoln
Born in Kentucky in 1809, he became the 1861th president of the United States in XNUMX, being the first president to belong to the Republican Party.
He was one of the most important presidents in the history of the nation, mainly for introducing a series of measures throughout his mandate that resulted in the abolition of slavery. His actions have led him to appear on current US $ 5 bills.
During the Civil War in 1863, Lincoln presented his Emancipation Proclamation, by which he announced that all the slaves of the Confederate States of America would be freed, except Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Tennessee or Delaware, states that were not listed in it. and that they never declared secession.
Lincoln also stood out for his oratory, thanks to which he successfully mobilized public opinion in the United States through his rhetoric and speeches. At the end of the war, Lincoln established a broad policy of reconcialization in order to establish the reconstruction of the country.
Lincoln was assassinated in Washington DC in 1865, just as the American Civil War was coming to an end. It occurred when he went with his wife to a theatrical performance at Ford's Theater, located in the United States capital.
Lincoln was the first president of the United States to be assassinated, although there had already been a failed assassination attempt on the seventh president, Andrew Jackson, in 1835.
5. Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson is one of the presidents whose effigy appears on the obverse of the US $ 20 bills. Jackson was the 7th President of the United States, the first from humble origins to assume the presidency of the nation, and possibly the only one who had previously been a prisoner of war while still a child.
Jackson's fame began to be generated after the victory of the American forces led by Jackson in the Anglo-American War of 1812. Thus, the United States defeated the British in the well-known battle of new orleans.
A few years later, Jackson was defeated by John Quincy Adams in his first presidential candidacy of 1824, but he rose to power in 1829 and until 1837, thus being the first US president elected by Universal suffrage.
He is considered one of the great idols in American history for having ended the War of 1812 at the Battle of New Orleans, having annexed the Florida peninsula after buying it from the Spanish in 1819 and having been a leader of the Indian wars against the indigenous tribes creek, cherokee and seminole.
Thanks to Jackson, the new Republic of Texas, until then belonging to Mexico, was recognized.
In the national government, he stood out for his defense of the common man. Jackson developed numerous differences with the National Bank, considering it an undemocratic and unconstitutional institution because it privileged only a few, that is, the richest, compared to other social classes. He was assassinated in 1835 by a bullet attack at the hands of Richard Lawrence.
4.Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was the third president of the United States and is included among the Founding Fathers of the Nation. Although the role of John Adams on the road to the United States Declaration of Independence is indisputable, Jefferson was the main author of it in 1776.
He is also known for promulgating the ideals of republicanism in the US, promoting democracy and fighting against British imperialism.
He was actually a philosopher-politician, an Enlightenment man who knew various intellectual leaders from both Britain and France. He favored the working class as an example of republican virtues, distrusted the financiers, and favored the rights of the states, as well as a limited federal government.
He also supported the separation of Church and State and he was co-founder of the Democratic-Republican Party with James Madison. Thanks to the Jefferson government, the eponymous was coined Jeffersonian democracy and the founding of the University of Virginia took place.
In addition to being a philosopher and politician, he was a horticulturist, architect, paleontologist, musician, and inventor, more than enough reasons for various historians to consider him one of the most important presidents of the United States.
3.John Quincy Adams
Son of John Adams and born in 1767, he was a diplomat and politician who was elected the sixth president of the United States in 1825, after the mandate of James Monroe, during which he was Secretary of State.
Quincy Adams was involved in numerous international negotiations and participated in the creation of the Monroe Doctrine, according to which any intervention of the European States in America would be considered an act of aggression that would require the intervention of the United States.
He undertook a broad program of modernization, application, and development of education, even though it was ultimately blocked by Congress.
He also developed the so-called American System, which consisted of the application of high tariffs to promote the internal development of the nation. Thus, he presented a modernization plan that included the construction of infrastructure, a national university, etc.
Quincy Adams was one of the best diplomats in US history following the creation of the Monroe Doctrine. He signed several reciprocity treaties with states such as Denmark, Mexico, Austria and Prussia, among others.
After not being reelected in the presidential elections of 1828, he was chosen for the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, becoming the only president to do so. He was a member of the Chamber for the last 17 years of his life.
2.John Adams
John Adams was the second president of the United States and is considered one of the founding fathers of the country. He served as vice president of G. Washington for two terms and was elected president in 1796.
During his tenure, confrontations with the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson were constant, as well as the most dominant faction of his own party (the Federalist Party), led by Alexander Hamilton.
Adams defended the resolution of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, it was a basic pillar when it was approved by Congress.
He was also responsible for the promulgation of the Laws on Aliens and Sedition in anticipation of a war against France. It was a set of decrees intended to limit foreigners and inhibit the criticism of the press towards his government.
In this way, French and Irish immigrants saw the waiting period for naturalization increased. In addition, the United States could expel those foreigners that it considered potentially dangerous.
John Adams was the father of John Quincy Adams and, among his great achievements as president, stands out that of providing a peaceful solution to the Quasi-War against Hamilton's warmongering opposition, as well as having built both the army and the navy.
1.George Washington
After the American Revolution and the American War of Independence, Washington was not only the first US President, but also Commander-in-Chief of the revolutionary Continental Army during the war.
Washington is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the USA along with John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Benkamin Franklin, John Jay, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson.
Coming from the Franco-indigenous war, in which he was appointed lieutenant colonel to support the British Empire, G. Washington stood out for trying to create a nation capable of living in peace with its neighboring countries. Thus, his proclamations of neutrality in 1793 served as the basis for preventing any involvement in foreign conflicts.
It also supported plans for the creation of a national bank, the payment of the national debt, and the application of a fiscal system.
Washington was responsible for signing the Jay Treaty in 1795. Thanks to this treaty, war was avoided and a whole decade of peace with Great Britain was maintained.
Many historians consider him one of the greatest presidents of the United States thanks to the establishment of the nation's transition towards pacifism and his criticism of partisanship, participation in wars and sectoralization.
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